Frequently traveller would encounter status like below in their travel request:


Request Status


Booking Status

Pending: 2


For the above example, employee requested travel desk to book for 2 items. 

"Request status" here refers to approval status of request. If it is "Approved" meaning all required approvers have approved it. If it is "Pending" then it means approval is not complete

Whereas, "Booking status" is not at all linked to approval of request. It mean 2 booking requests are pending to be booked by travel desk. Lets consider 2 items were flight and hotel for this case. When travel desk books and uploads flight details in application then "Booking status Pending:2" will CHANGE to "Booking status Pending:1" this happened because not flight is booked and details uploaded by travel desk and 1 item i.e. hotel booking is pending.